HWA Projects
Hanson, Walter & Associates, Inc.’s projects, both current and past, cover a wide spectrum of size, geographic location and development type.
HWA’s projects run the gamut from small single lot parcels to 1,000+acre mixed-use Planned Unit Developments; from private roadways to public infrastructure improvements; from individual water and sewer connections to regional utility systems.
While HWA’s roots are in OsceolaCounty, and Larry Walter’s involvement with the Kissimmee/Osceola County Chamber of Commerce and its Growth Management Task Force have placed HWA at the heart of resolving this community’s engineering-related issues, HWA also has experience in other Central Florida counties, including Orange, Polk and Lake. HWA also regularly provides Engineering services for projects in the Cities of Kissimmee and St. Cloud.
To list all of the over 4,800 projects that HWA has successfully completed would be a waste of the average reader’s time, but to give you an idea of the breadth of HWA’s experience, we have listed some of the projects, categorized by type and jurisdiction. Just click on either of the links at the bottom of this page.